Give your development team a boost by using NevynWeb to bridge the gap. Contact us for help with development projects, server maintenance, continuous integration or project design.
We can provide on* or offsite presence (*subject to COVID rules) to support your company's project roadmap, working with your Architects and Development Teams to tease out your requirements.
We can help develop concepts and put together spikes to demonstrate the art-of-the-possible, to allow you to see tools in use, and help inform your decision making.
Usualy accompanied by a caffeinated beverage - although we’re more likely sipping a latte than some Jolt! cola these days! If you found anything on this site useful and want to say thanks, then you could always:
We work with your company in a constructive way to refine your vision, exploring the Art-of-the-Possible, help write IaC (Infrastructure-as-Code) with Terraform, promote a DevOps culture and build a World Class Cloud Platform.
We can also provide help to go from the very basics of designing your API contract in Swagger/OAS to building a container by writing a Dockerfile, through to a creating a fully orchestrated CI/CD pipeline in Jenkins to deploy to Rancher, Kubernetes and Istio. We can help set up Kong API Gateways, and lots more besides!